Our Mission
Let’s talk brass tacks for a second: we exist to put life-saving colonoscopies on everyone’s radar. While we love a good party, we’re also serious about changing the alarming rates of colorectal cancer: by 2030, it’s predicted to be the top cancer death for people younger than 50. This is shocking, and means we’ve got a lot of work to do!
So at Worldclass, we have three goals:

Colonoscopies prevent colon cancer, they don't just diagnose them early. This makes them the best cancer screening EVER, hands down. Unlike other diagnostic screening tests, a colonoscopy can also remove polyps in the colon that can grow into fatal tumors. Super inspiring, right? But many people are wary of the procedure because of how it’s been talked about for 50 years: “invasive”, “hassle”, “awful”. And maybe that was true in the past, but today, it’s more like a spa appointment than a scary hospital visit: it’s essentially a fast, a cleanse, and a nap!
You can request laxative pills instead of the dreaded “colonoscopy cocktail.” Fasting can include gummy bears, and the end flush is often calm, comfortable, and non-dramatic. So given the choice between a mildly unpleasant doctor’s visit or a potentially fatal diagnosis, we will back that ass up every time!

If we were Oprah, we would be putting a colonoscopy under everyone’s chair! While it is never technically too early to look for polyps, the recommended age for a first colonoscopy is now 45. Some studies have shown that about 30% of people have at least one polyp by their mid-40s, so this means that everyone should be checking out that ass - the year they turn 45 - regardless of sex, race, or income.
And if you’re under 45, you should be encouraging your ever-so-slightly older friends and family and - hell, why not your enemies too? - to get a colonoscopy. Colorectal cancer prevention is not an issue for some : it’s a compassionate, human one that affects us all.

Worldclass is partnering with Blue Ridge Health and University of North Carolina Lineberger Cancer Center so that every purchase will improve access to affordable colonoscopies in Western North Carolina.
In this rural region that is home to many migrant farmworkers, colonoscopy service is limited. Simple at-home stool tests are commonly used in these communities for cancer screening, and can reduce barriers for many patients. But guess what you need to do if your stool comes back 'positive'? You can bet your ass it’s a colonoscopy.
And that's where the system frequently breaks down. We’ll be equipping these folks with a fund that will aid them in whatever manner they need to get that important colonoscopy done, whether it’s paid time off work, a ride to their appointment, a translator, or just some extra assistance to get colonoscopy prep done well.

We’re incredibly proud to be making positive change through our nonprofit advocacy of cancer-preventing and potentially life-saving colonoscopies for everyone.
Here at Worldclass, we’re excited to see how much ass we can save when we do it together.